Distracted Driving: Keeping Your Eyes & Mind On The Road

In today’s world, we have become so dependent on technology- our smartphones, our tablets, our smart watches- that ignoring life while driving your vehicle has become almost impossible. Distracted driving has become a much bigger issue as technology continues to advance and we become more reliant on our devices, and it can have serious and deadly consequences. In 2013, approximately 3,000 people were killed in car accidents caused by distracted drivers.

While teen drivers are already at a higher risk of getting into an accident, they are also the most easily distracted by technology. While there has been a huge push in the media to educate the public about the dangers of texting and driving, texting is not the only thing that can cause a driver to become distracted.

Here are some ways to help eliminate distractions for you and your teen drivers that are easy and effective-

  • Put your cell phone on silent or airplane mode
  • Put your phone somewhere out of reach
  • Ask your passengers to help you if you need to send a text, answer a call, or use your GPS
  • If something absolutely demands your attention, pull over 

Changing your habits to become fully focused on driving can be difficult if you generally use your time in the car to multi-task and catch up on things. However, practice makes perfect, and exhibiting good driving habits is just one way to show those around you that driving distracted is simply not worth it.

If you have questions about a vehicle accident and would like to speak to an experienced attorney, you can call Kyle today to schedule your free consultation!

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