6 Most Common Causes of Truck Accidents

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) National Center for Statistics and Analysis report issued for the year ending 2018, there were more than 500 fatal roadway accidents involving semi-trucks in the United States. The report does not provide data on truck accidents involving injury, but further research indicates approximately 17,000 victims suffered an injury in the roughly 140,000 truck accidents recorded nationwide.
Truck drivers in Georgia and across the county must adhere to the same rules of the road as every other motor vehicle operator, but they also have other restrictions, including the number of hours they are allowed to drive before taking a break. These rules are supposed to help protect not only the truck driver, but also others with whom they share the road. That said, truck drivers are like every other driver on the road: they are humCasues of Semian, and prone to making the same mistakes we all do. However, when an accident occurs involving a semi-truck, the outcomes can be far more devastating.
Six of the most common causes of semi-truck accidents:
- Distracted driving – despite warnings and laws pertaining to hands free driving which was implemented in Georgia in 2018, there is still an issue with some truck drivers. Keep in mind, these drivers are often away from family members for extended periods of time while delivering goods. Phone calls to family, text messages to loved ones, and even adjusting their radio station in remote areas mean they are not watching the road — a fraction of a second is all it takes to lose control of a truck, or be unable to stop in an urgent situation.
- Driver fatigue – we have all had times when we are driving home from work and find we are groggy or sleepy. Truck drivers often drive for hours on end and in some cases, they get very little time to take a rest between stops. Even when a driver follows the rules set down by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) they may still suffer ongoing fatigue. Drivers who ignore these regulations pose a serious danger to everyone on the road.
- Lack of proper training – while truckers must undergo rigorous training, one thing that has become increasingly clear is there are a shortage of trained drivers. Sadly, this does not always mean a trucking company remains unwilling to hire unsuitable drivers, putting others on the road at risk.
- Poor vehicle maintenance – one of the most important parts of owning any motor vehicle is maintenance. When the lives of others depend on your vehicle being properly maintained, semi-trucks should be the best maintained vehicles on the road. This is not always the case however, for a couple of reasons. If a truck is down for maintenance, it is not being used to make deliveries, which costs the company money. Trucking companies who are working on tight budgets may also be tempted to skimp on proper maintenance, which puts everyone on roadways at risk.
- Alcohol and drugs – drivers who are under the influence of drugs or alcohol pose a unique danger on the roadway. Substances slow reaction times. and because of the size of a semi-truck, a driver who is under the influence of any substance can cause an accident. Prescription drugs and over the counter medications can also impact a driver’s reaction time. Truck drivers who abuse prescription drugs such as Adderall or over the counter medications to stay awake can be subject to additional charges should they be involved in a crash.
- Speed related accidents – it sounds like a cliché to say that speed kills, but it is a fact. Since truckers need more time to stop than a car, semi-truck operators must be aware of speed limits, sensible driving speeds due to bad weather, and the speed of other vehicles on the roadway. Semi-truck operators who are traveling at unsafe speeds put everyone on the road in jeopardy.
Consequences of Semi-Truck Accidents
Car accidents can be disastrous for everyone involved. Thousands of people annually lose their lives in crashes involving other cars, and thousands more are injured in car accidents. However, when an accident involves a car and a semi-truck, the outcomes can be devastating. Remember, a fully loaded truck can weigh as much as 80,000 pounds, while the average car weighs a mere 6,000. Passengers and drivers in cars are more likely to suffer serious injuries when the other vehicle in a crash is a semi-truck.
The force of a truck hitting a car from the rear often results in traumatic brain injuries to drivers and passengers in a car. This is because the jolt can create enough force to push your head back and forth at least once, and in some cases, multiple times, particularly if you hit another vehicle or an obstacle.
Some victims, despite the fact they are using the proper restraints, may strike their head on the steering wheel or windshield, which will cause further injury to the head. Victims often are forced to live with the consequences of a traumatic brain injury following a truck accident. These injuries can impact their ability to think clearly, prevent them from returning to work, and require them to seek long-term medical care.
A Woodstock GA Truck Accident Attorney Can Help
When you are involved in a semi-truck accident in Woodstock, Georgia, Cherokee County, or the surrounding areas, you may not know where to turn for help if you have been injured. Your health and recovery from your injuries should be your first concern. Once you have sought the proper medical attention, you should seek the assistance of an attorney with experience handling semi-truck accidents. In fact, you should speak with a lawyer before you speak with an insurance adjuster, to make sure they do not try to trick you into admitting you were entirely, or partially, at fault for the accident.
Remember, truck crashes are complicated because in addition to the driver’s liability, there may be other parties who are partially responsible, including the trucking company. If you or someone you know has been involved in a trucking accident, an experienced Georgia truck accident lawyer can evaluate your case and help you form an effective plan for moving forward.
When a Georgia based truck rig or other commercial vehicle is involved in a crash, Georgia law allows the injured party to go directly after the insurance company insures the truck. There several other law specific issues related to crashes with tractor trailers unique to Georgia. Don’t let a big insurance company or corporate owned truck deter you from full compensation for your injuries. Contact an experienced Georgia truck wreck lawyer at Koester Legal if you have any questions.