Water Sports Injuries

Water Sports Injuries

Although metro Atlanta is landlocked, there are plenty of lakes around that provide us with the opportunity to participate in various water sports. With Georgia’s high humidity and soaring temperatures, water sports are the preferred summertime activity for many families. Although water sports are fun and the whole family can get involved, if precautions aren’t taken they can become dangerous. Even simple water sports activities can result in injuries.

water sports activities

In the United States, there are thousands of water sports related injuries each year.
Here are the most common injuries and which water sport they correlate with:Water-skiing: strains and sprains on the lower extremities.

Wakeboarding: lacerations to the head.

Intertubing: strains and sprains to the neck and head.

Jet Skiing: concussion, lacerations.

Injuries can be avoided by following some simple safety precautions:

Supervise kids and teens while they are in the water.

Always take a buddy with you when going out into the water.

Learn to swim.

Learn CPR.

Avoid alcohol while participating in water sports.

Be aware of any impending bad weather.


If you or someone you know has been involved in a boating or water sports related accident, give us a call today at (770) 744-5250 for your free consultation.