Misdemeanor vs Felony Charges

Crimes can either be categorized as misdemeanors or felonies. The classification of a crime determines how the court is going to proceed with the case and also determines the potential consequences of committing a crime. Understanding the basic differences between misdemeanors and felonies is very import if you have committed a crime.

Before we get to the differences between misdemeanors and felonies, lets talk about infractions. Many of you may have heard this term before and it is the least serious type of crime you can commit. An infraction is usually something simple like a traffic ticket. These types of offenses usually involve a simple fine, little to no time in court, and little to no time in jail.

A misdemeanor is more serious than an infraction. A misdemeanor can be characterized as a crime that can be punished by jail time of up to one year, or a crime that is not a felony or infraction. Oftentimes, jail time received for committing a misdemeanor can be served in a local jail as opposed to a prison. Generally, a prosecutor has flexibility in determining what misdemeanor crime to charge a person with, what penalties they should receive, and plea bargaining.

A felony is the most serious type of crime you can commit. These crimes can be penalized by more than one year in prison. Because penalties can be severe, it is imperative that all court room proceedings are very exact and by the book. This is to protect your rights. Felony crimes include rape, sodomy, arson, etc.

If you have been charged with any type of crime, it is important to hire a criminal defense lawyer to make sure your rights are protected and that you are receiving the best deal possible. Whether you’ve been charged with a misdemeanor or felony, call Kyle today for the best criminal defense lawyer in Woodstock.


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