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Road Construction Accidents in the Summer

How to Deal with Road Construction in Summer

Summer is not only a peak time for travel but also a prime season for road construction. Navigating through Georgia construction zones can be challenging and hazardous, especially in the Atlanta area. At the Law Offices of Kyle E. Koester, LLC, we understand the risks associated with driving through these areas and aim to provide valuable tips for safe navigation. This article explores how to deal with road construction in summer, supported by statistics and Georgia law.

The Risks of Road Construction Zones

Road construction zones are fraught with potential dangers, including narrowed lanes, abrupt lane shifts, reduced speed limits, and the presence of construction workers and equipment. These factors can significantly increase the risk of accidents.


Georgia Laws on Road Construction Zones

Georgia has specific laws designed to protect both drivers and construction workers in road construction zones. Under Georgia law (O.C.G.A. § 40-6-188), drivers are required to reduce their speed and exercise caution when approaching and passing through work zones. Violating these laws can result in significant fines and penalties.

Case Law Example:

  • In Smith v. State, 276 Ga. App. 17 (2005), the Georgia Court of Appeals upheld enhanced penalties for a driver who caused a fatal accident in a construction zone, emphasizing the legal responsibility to adhere to work zone safety laws.

Tips for Navigating Road Construction Zones Safely

  1. Stay Informed

Before starting your trip, check for any construction updates or road closures along your route. Many navigation apps and websites provide real-time information on road conditions and construction zones.


  • Use apps like Waze or Google Maps to get real-time traffic updates.
  • Visit the Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) website for the latest construction alerts.
  1. Follow Posted Signs and Signals

Construction zones are well-marked with signs and signals that provide important information about lane closures, speed limits, and detours. Pay close attention to these signs and follow them carefully.


  • Look for orange signs indicating construction zones.
  • Obey all flaggers and traffic signals within the work zone.
  1. Reduce Speed

Speeding is a leading cause of accidents in construction zones. Reduce your speed to the posted limit and be prepared for sudden stops or changes in traffic flow.

Georgia Law:

  • Georgia law (O.C.G.A. § 40-6-188) mandates reduced speed limits in construction zones. Violators can face doubled fines and other penalties.


  • Maintain a safe following distance from the vehicle in front of you.
  • Avoid sudden braking or acceleration.
  1. Stay Alert and Minimize Distractions

Construction zones require your full attention. Stay alert for any changes in the road or traffic patterns and avoid distractions such as mobile phones or in-car entertainment systems.


  • Keep both hands on the wheel and eyes on the road.
  • Avoid using your phone or other devices while driving through a construction zone.

For more on avoiding distractions, see our article on The Dangers of Distracted Driving in Summer.

  1. Be Prepared for Lane Shifts and Changes

Construction zones often involve lane shifts or reductions. Be prepared to merge safely and follow any temporary lane markings.


  • Merge early and do not wait until the last minute to change lanes.
  • Follow the path indicated by cones or barriers.
  1. Watch for Construction Workers and Equipment

Construction workers and equipment can be present in or near the roadway. Stay vigilant and be prepared to stop or slow down if necessary.


  • Look for workers wearing high-visibility clothing.
  • Be cautious around heavy machinery and construction vehicles.

Legal Support for Construction Zone Accidents

If you or a loved one has been involved in an accident in a construction zone, it’s crucial to seek legal advice. At the Law Offices of Kyle E. Koester, LLC, we specialize in representing victims of construction zone accidents, ensuring they receive the compensation they deserve. Our expertise in Georgia traffic laws and personal injury claims can help navigate the complexities of the legal system.

For more information on what to do after an accident, refer to our detailed guide on What to do After a Car Accident.


Navigating through road construction zones during the summer requires extra caution and attention. By staying informed, following posted signs, reducing speed, and staying alert, you can help ensure a safer journey for yourself and others on the road. For legal assistance and more information on safe driving practices, contact the Law Offices of Kyle E. Koester, LLC.


  1. Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
  2. Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT)
  3. Official Code of Georgia Annotated (O.C.G.A.)
  4. Georgia Court of Appeals Case: Smith v. State, 276 Ga. App. 17 (2005)

Stay informed by exploring our 100 Deadliest Days of Summer campaign, and drive safely this summer!

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If you or a loved one are suffering injuries caused by the negligence of another driver, contact the Law Offices of Kyle E. Koester, LLC. Our Woodstock personal injury attorneys specialize in personal injuries from car accidents, truck accidents, and traumatic brain injuries (TBI).

Don’t wait until it is too late. Call us now at (770) 744-5250 to schedule a consultation.


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