How Quickly After an Accident can I Get a Settlement?

Hitting the road, you never expect to get hit by another car. While traffic deaths nationwide are on the decline, there are still many car accidents that lead to serious injuries, leading to victims having to alter their lives drastically.
If you or a loved one has suffered injuries in a car accident, you may be unsure of what comes next. You may also have serious concerns about how you pay your medical bills and get back to your regular life.
Many car accident victims believe their insurance company or the insurance company of the at-fault driver will help them in their time of need. The fact is that this isn’t usually the case.
Car Accident Injury Costs
Most auto accident injury victims are unaware of how much money they need to recover for injuries sustained in the accident. Many people are unaware of just how expensive medical care has become today.
When you suffer injuries in a car accident, you may require:
- Multiple surgeries
- Extended hospital stays
- Time off work
- In facility rehabilitation
- In home care
- Ongoing medical treatment
Each of these items greatly increases the potential expenses you face. Even minor injuries can cause tens of thousands of dollars in medical expenses. This is not a burden you should bear.
Someone else’s negligence caused your car accident. They should be on the hook for your medical expenses and your lost wages, if you have to spend time out of work because of your injuries. It is in your best interest to talk with an experienced car accident injury lawyer today about how you can hold the negligent party responsible for your expenses.
Settlement Offers May Come Fast
Settlement offers help you move on with your life while also giving you money to cover your medical expenses. But you should meet quick settlement offers from the insurance company with caution.
Several days after your accident, the insurance company of the at-fault driver may contact you and offer you a settlement. You want this tragic situation to be a distant memory. Your medical expenses are mounting. The insurance company is ready to take advantage of you.
Their initial offer is a lowball offer intended to make you go away for as little money as possible. The insurance company does not share your goals. These companies don’t care whether you pay for your own medical expenses. They want to keep as much money as possible in their pocket.
Taking the quick settlement offer is often what the car accident victim does, especially in cases where a lawyer isn’t consulted first. When you sign a settlement agreement, you waive your right to bring any future claims against the insurance company for this accident. Months or years later, when the settlement funds have run dry but you still have bills related to this accident, it will be too late.
Negotiating the Right Settlement for You Takes Time
When you get the first settlement offer, you may be excited. You have anticipation that this terrible life experience will soon be in the past. Unfortunately, that excitement may lead to disappointment when you see the amount of the initial offer.
To fully understand what you need to recover, the guidance of a skilled Woodstock Ga car accident injury attorney is invaluable. Together, you can create an accurate estimate of your future needs. You may see your medical bills piling up on the kitchen table, but the vast majority of your medical expenses may come in the future, something many accident victims do not realize.
Your lawyer’s relationship with medical experts can be crucial to securing you full compensation. Your lawyer can help you determine what expenses you may have ahead, including lost income from being out of work. Putting all of that together, you can see clearly just how much money you will need to recover from the negligent driver and their insurance company. Nothing is worse than having to spend your own money on medical expenses as a result of an accident that wasn’t your fault.
Ultimately, everyone involved is motivated to settle your case. But a lawyer’s job is to make sure the insurance company does not take advantage of you. Some accident victims fear they will not receive a large settlement if they work with a lawyer. You may even be able to recover more money by working with a lawyer; and, a lawyer can speed up the process of settling your case.
Through your lawyer’s investigation of your accident, they can present a clear case to the insurance company, showing just how much money it will take for you to recover. Ultimately, the amount of time it takes to settle your case depends on many factors, but most car accident injury cases settle within a few months. The more complex and serious your injuries, the higher your settlement amount may be, and the longer it takes for the settlement to finalize and for you to get your money.