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Five Ways to Ensure the Safety of Your Loved Ones this Fire Prevention Week 

Fire Prevention Week

Nobody wants to think about a fire destroying their home and potentially harming their family. This Fire Prevention Week, be sure that your family’s plan for a fire emergency is well practiced and known by all your family members.


  1. Ensure everyone in your family knows what the smoke alarm sounds like and the difference between a loud beep (indicating a fire) or a chirp (indicating that the batteries need to be changed right away). All smoke detectors need to be replaced every 10 years.}
  2. Create a home fire escape plan and practice it at least twice a year. Draw a map of the inside of your home and mark where the exits are for each room (including windows and doors).
  3. Make sure that any people with disabilities, older adults or children know the plan and how to get assistance if they need it—use the buddy system! There are special fire alarms to help people with hearing loss who cannot hear the beeping of fire alarms.
  4. Be sure to close doors behind you as you leave to delay the spread of any fire.
  5. Create a meeting place outdoors for the family to go to after leaving the home that is far enough away from your home to ensure safety (a mailbox or road sign).


While the colder weather lends itself to bonfires for a nice autumn evening, be sure to follow all county guidelines if hosting a bonfire. Ensure that a water-charged hose is also on hand and ready to be used to extinguish or limit the fire. Always remember to check that it is not too windy to safely have a bonfire.



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